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In this example the colon signals that the items in the list are more specific than the general term itemsitself and so are subordinated to it modified from English Grammar477 Kerry Evansdiscusses a use of semicolons by providing the rule and an example in the same sentence. Watching clouds and seeing how long she can stand on one foot Thats correct because Grammar Girl has two favorite hobbies is a complete sentence all by itself.

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When your list is written in sentence format like the list above the clause before the colon here Lee likes the following pies should be an independent clause ie one that can stand alone as a sentence.

Colon for example. Peter Sandra and Juan. Heesun has met many famous people. Olive or coconut oil can be substituted for butter in a vegan cake that is.

The colon may be used in the above examples because the underlined words are complete sentences that could be punctuated with an end mark. This one is simply a complete sentence without the colon. Colons are used in sentences to show that something is following like a quotation example or list.

Of calcium per serving. For example this summary could be written as Colons can. Never use a colon after a sentence fragment.

There must be a comma after for example--not a colon 6. Semicolons are used to join two independent clauses or two complete thoughts that could stand alone as complete sentences. The new people who will be at the meeting are Peter Sandra and Juan.

An introductory clause may be followed by a colon or a colon and for. The next time I stand up here I will have answers to these questions The colon is justified because the quotation is a sentence The largest of the aliens repeated. Some writers and editors feel that capitalizing a complete sentence after a colon is always advisable.

Use the colon after a complete sentence to introduce a list of items when introductory words such as namely for example or that is do not apply or are not appropriate. When I visit Korea I want to go to many cities such as Seoul and Taegu. Often they are used to introduce a quote or a list that satisfies the previous statement.

If a complete sentence follows a colon as in the previous example authorities are divided over whether to capitalize the first word. One time she met Jacques Chirac. Do not use a colon after for example that is and namely.

I want the following items. Colons introduce clauses or phrases that serve to describe amplify or restate what precedes them. For example its correct to say Grammar Girl has two favorite hobbies.

Sleeping bags pans and warm clothing. Heesun has met many famous people. Use a comma instead.

Chicken and mushroom mince and onion and cheese and onion. For example one time she met Jacques Chirac. We come in peace.

There are many ways to flavor a cakefor example with vanilla with lemon or orange zest or with cinnamon. You use a colon to introduce a series of items or expand on your point and it actually effectively means for instance or for example already in this style of usage so saying for instance is. Butter sugar and flour.

Colon bell peppers purple kale tomatoes. You may be required to bring many items. Lee likes the following pies.

Take me to your leader The colon is justified because the quotation is two sentences When I asked him he shouted. The people who will be at the meeting are. Vitamin C is found in colorful vegetables.

Others advise against it. Using a Colon before a List A colon is often used to introduce a list. For example broccoli kale or spinach have over 160 mg.

Keep the following rules in mind when choosing to use a comma colon semicolon or dash. Like a period or colon it often marks the end of a complete clause that is a sentence part that has its own subject and verb.

Punctuation Colon Semi Colon

Semicolons are used to join two independent clauses or two complete thoughts that could stand alone as complete sentences.

How to use colon and semi colon. Use a Colon to Introduce a List. General Use of Semicolons Semicolons are end stop punctuation marks. In other words each clause has a subject and a verb.

This in contrast to American English users. You omit the first full stop period and replace it with a semicolon. Use a Colon after a Greeting.

Use a Colon to Introduce a Quotation or Dialogue. Use a Colon between a Title and Subtitle. Colons are used in sentences to show that something is following like a quotation example or list.

Use a Colon with Expressions Like As Follows and The Following. We use colons and semi-colons to join independent clauses and make them part of one sentence. If you are going to list objects it can be helpful to separate the list with a colon eg.

You can join two independent clauses together that are two separate sentences. The book is informative. When to Use a Comma Commas are the most frequently used and abused punctuation mark in.

You can go for a good comma colon or semicolon corrector to get the flawless results. This guide will give you step-by-step instructions to ensure you get good at punctuati. Like a comma it can separate elements in a series.

Sumit likes to play cricket. My brother is going to Spain for the summer. When to Use a Semicolon 1.

Amit likes to play soccer. We use a semicolon to join things that are equal similar or the same. When to Use a Semicolon.

Use Semicolons in a Serial List. Delete the Conjunction When You Use a Semicolon. Semicolons Connect Related Independent Clauses.

Mistakes to Avoid When Using Colons. British English users do not use a capital after a colon. A clause is a group of words.

Before a list or when you mean as an example Right before a summary of your point. The first and last of these should have only a bracketing comma while the second and third meet the requirements for a colon and should have one Here are some further examples of correct use. You can use semicolons to divide the items of a list if the items are long or contain internal punctuation.

A colon can be used to introduce a list in a sentence or one that is numbered or bulleted. The first volume of The Lord of the Rings followed in 1954. Semicolons connect two independent clauses that are closely related.

British and American semicolon usage is the same. He will be studying Spanish. American users capitalize the beginning of the word that follows the colon if it precedes an independent clause.

Red yellow green and blue You can use colons and semicolons in the same list but. To introduce an explanation. It has helpful charts and graphs.

Semicolons separate three or more items in a series that already have commas in them. When and how to use semicolons. This symbol can be used in between two sentences as long as the second clause illustrates the purpose or meaning of the first.

The semi-colon tells the reader that the second clause is closely linked to the first clause. If it is used to highlight a list in a sentence then the first clause must be independent. The easy explanation of colon vs semicolon.

Semicolons are primarily used instead of a period to separate two closely related independent clauses word groups which can stand as sentence. And like a colon it signals that what follows it is closely related to what comes before it. Use a Colon in Source Citations.

In these cases the semicolon helps readers keep track of the divisions between the items. I like four colors. Use a Colon in Ratios and Other Numeric Terms.

Tolkien published The Hobbit in 1937. A semi-colon is used to separate sentences where the conjunction has been left out. These sections must be independent and complete sentences but closely linked in some way.

Watch How To Apply Colons And Semi-Colons from the how to specialists. On the other hand a well-placed semi-colon can add nuance and subtlety to any kind of writing. I need the weather statistics for the following cities.

The most common way to use a semicolon is to help join closely connected ideas in a sentence. They are used to mark the end of a sentence.

Capitalization rule with sentences after colons. When using a colon to join two independent clauses capitalize the first word of the independent clause after the colon American Psychological Association 2010 p.

How To Punctuate And Capitalize Bullet Points Proofed S Writing Tips

Use periods not semicolons at the end of each section or a phrase This is clear but AP doesnt fully address when to omit a period at the end of each bullet.

Capitalize after colon. 156 eg Flooding caused road closures on January 28 2016. For example the Director General might resign. Capital Letter after a Colon A colon is like an equals sign in Mathematics.

Highway 1A and Cowichan Bay Road were both affected by washouts Harnett 2016. I have three favorite colors. Highway 1A and Cowichan.

Most uses of a colon do not require the word after the colon to be capitalized. When a colon introduces a phrase or an incomplete sentence that is meant to add information to the sentence before it do not capitalize the first word after the colon unless it is a proper noun. The information on the left of the colon equals the information on the right.

Chicago Manual of Style. In Chicago style you capitalize the first letter after the colon only when the colon introduces two or more sentences. When using a colon to join two clauses capitalize the first word of the clause after the colon if it is a complete sentence American Psychological Association APA 2020 p.

Whether you should capitalize the word following a colon depends on whether youre writing in American English or British English. If the word that comes after a colon or semi-colon is a proper name you definitely would capitalize it. When a colon introduces a complete sentence you may capitalize the first word after the colon according to some style guides.

In British English the first letter following a colon is only capitalized if it the word is a proper noun or an acronym. One basic rule of APA Style is to capitalize the first word after the colon in a title. 90 eg Flooding caused road closures on January 28 2016.

In addition if youre quoting someone after a colon they open their speech or. I know what you did last summer. The Quest for Peace the is capitalized because it is placed directly after the colon.

The Gregg Reference Manual uses periods only. Purple green and blue. Read on for details.

In American English however there are several cases in which a letter should be capitalized after a colon. If only one sentence follows the colon it is often not necessary to capitalize the first word of the new sentence. When a colon precedes a list do not capitalize the first word after the colon unless of course its a proper noun.

E Capitalize the first word after a colon if it begins a direct question see 402 Initial wordsd above or a formal statement introduces a distinct idea or is followed by more than one sentence. Alice remains capitalized and so does Missouri but north would not. In American English the first word after a colon is capitalized when it begins a new sentence and when its.

Lowercase also happens to be Merriam-Websters style Be consistent. You were a couch potato And in case youre not clear on when to use a colon instead of say a dash or a semicolon or to start a new sentence. Capitalize the first word following the dash or bullet.

Note that in British English the style is typically to go lowercase. There are several possibilities. When in doubt dont capitalize after a colon.

When a colon is used for emphasis or precedes an incomplete sentence do not. If two or more sentences follow the colon capitalize the first word of each sentence following. For example in the movie title Superman IV.

Capitalize the first letter in every clause that follows a colon or always use lowercase. Capitalization after colons.