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Use a dedicated Results chapter especially if undertaking a scientific dissertation andor you are using quantitative research. If this is the position in which you find yourself and your heart rate.

How To Write And Structure Your Dissertation Results Section

In other words the dissertation structure and layout reflect the research process of asking a well-defined question s investigating and then answering the question see below.

Results chapter dissertation. It should not give an overall answer to the main research question or speculate on the meaning of the results. Dissertation Results Chapter Sample wwwnewessayscouk 40 Results Analysis and Discussions 41 Introduction This chapter sets out the results of the questionnaire and provides supporting critical discussion of the respective results. The final or the fifth chapter in a dissertation should epitomize a full-fledged synopsis of all the facets you or the reader have acquainted with in the process of reaching the last chapter.

The dissertation results chapter can be written once data has been collected and analyzed. You may choose to write these sections separately or combine them into a single chapter depending on your universitys guidelines and your own preferences. The findings chapter of the dissertation is theoretically the easiest to write.

Sometimes the results and discussion are combined into one chapter but in general keep the results and the conclusions and discussion separate. In a qualitative study the results often include many quotes from participants who were interviewed. Following this you may begin discussing all the bits and pieces of your experiences in the duration of the venture.

To recap the dissertation results section describes the findings of the research any problems you encountered with the data the main result of the research as well as any other interesting trends you identified in the data. CHAPTER 4 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 41 Introduction In this chapter the results of the study are presented and discussed with reference to the aim of the study which was to determine the influence of using graphic representations of signs in teaching signs to hearing mothers. We know you probably havent started writing the paper yet.

These words are more appropriate to use at the time of writing the discussion section where you need to interpret the result in detail. The results chapter should only contain the outcomes of the experiment. The two sub-aims - the first to compare the acquisition of signs by teaching signs with and without sign illustrations.

Very well done you. It is the fourth chapter in your dissertation that comes after the methodology chapter. When writing a dissertation or thesis the results and discussion sections can be both the most interesting as well as the most challenging sections to write.

More in this Series. What is a Dissertation Findings Results Chapter. In this chapter you describe what your research has discovered.

Easy Writing Guide One of the most important parts of your upcoming dissertation is the dissertation results section. This segment should be written in the past. The result chapter of the dissertation does not contain an answer to the main research question.

Everything you mentioned in your dissertation before was if I will do this I am doing this because or I will. This chapter is among the most crucial parts of a study. The results chapter should objectively report the findings presenting only brief observations in relation each sub-question hypothesis or topic.

The conclusion chapter attempts to answer the core research question. Identify the key findings. So you have overcome the colossal task that is doing your dissertation research either primary or secondary depending on which avenue you chose.

At the time of writing the dissertation result chapter you should avoid using words suggests implies appears etc. It includes statistical analysis and a brief write up about whether or not the results emerging as a result of analysis are significant. In most cases students are trying to do their homework and learn as much as possible about the dissertation writing process.

In this section the main findings of the research are reported and their relation to hypotheses or research questions observed briefly. Now you are faced with analysing your data and writing up the results section of your dissertation. Accordingly the chapter is sub-divided into a number of sections which correspond with the sections of the questionnaire as set out in the previous chapter.

Follow some tips for an effective Results chapter.