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Unlike Relative Pronoun Conjunction refers to noun Relative Adverbs modifies verbs and Prepositions it governs a nounpronoun which are also connecting words. Joining two or more simple sentences into a single compound sentence.

How To Use Whereas Although Either Or But Definition And Examples English Grammar Here

A conjunction is a word or a group of words that connect two words phrases clauses or any two sentences.

Use either or to join two sentences. Eitheror and neithernor are correlative conjunctions. Or she cooks dinner. I cant swim fast.

When these words function as adverbs then both either and neither act as connecting words. You can have tea. Or to talk about a choice between two things.

Im a cat person by nature. A compound sentence contains two or more independent clauses connected by a coordinating conjunction. On a beautiful spring day one can say I will either ride my bicycle or walk to work In this example the structure.

John cant play the piano. Colin said he would either meet them for lunch or take them to tea or have them over for a coffee. I cant run fast.

Cumulative adversative alternative and illative. Either he or she cooks dinner. She can have tea.

There are mainly four types of coordinating conjunctions. Study the following pairs of sentences given below. Consider the following example.

Which of the following is correct a or b. Conjunction merely joins and does not do any other work. It is a conjunction.

Joining two or more verbs. John cant play the guitar. There is a choice of either of red or white wine.

Whereas links two ideas that contrast with each other. They are used to introduce alternatives. You can use eitheror to join more than two clauses.

2 There is no connecting word which would require a comma such as and or but. I cant run fast or swim fast. You can have coffee.

To connect items which are the same grammatical type eg. ORpossibly even worse people use it incorrectly over and over and over and over and over you get the idea. Known or a perfect participle eg.

Download PDF Conjunctions are words used to connect two sentences. Knowing a past participle eg. It is used to highlight an important difference between two similar things or facts.

The two independent clauses in the sentence are related to the same topic so its fitting to connect them with a semicolon rather than write. Numbers 17 28 33 and 36 contain three sentences each. Yahoo Answers is shutting down on May 4th 2021 Eastern Time and beginning April 20th 2021 Eastern Time the Yahoo Answers website will be in read-only mode.

Joining two or more nouns. I cant run or swim fast. The answer is either true or false.

Join each of the following pairs of sentences using the conjunction given in brackets. The little boy jumped and danced around the room. For example see the following sentences.

Or she can have coffee. It can be used as either a spoon or a fork. I dont like spinach Neither do I I dont like mushrooms No I dont like them either Use 2.

It is used to join two complete sentences into a single written sentence when all of the following conditions are met. Or is mandatory at the beginning of the final clause and optional at the beginning of the previous clause. You can either stay or go.

Both is paired with and to add emphasis to two coordinated elements in a sentence. Listen to all All sentences with pause Example sentences. John cant play the piano or guitar.

We can either pre- or post-date the document. It is always considered plural in a sentence. Say either yes or no.

You will miss the train. Coordinating conjunctions can be used to join verbs nouns adjectives adverbs phrases and clauses as youll see in the examples below. John on the other hand likes dogs.

Connecting prefixes Its either. These are used when two alternative facts or statements have to be presented. English speakers use either.

The conjunctions or eitheror and neithernor can be used to combine two simple sentences into one. Combine these in the same way. Two simple sentences can be combined into a compound sentence by using the conjunction or.

And refers to two things or people together. We use either or. 1 The two sentences are felt to be too closely related to be separated by a full stop.

Give full attention to your studies. She can have either. They chopped and diced the vegetables for their mom.

Combine the following sentences with or. Ruth ran very. Join each of the following pairs of sentences using either a present participle eg.

You can have tea or coffee. The worst misuse in my humble opinion is when people use it as a commajoining two parts of a sentence rather than two complete sentence. The dog barked and chased me down the road.

You can have either chicken or steak. Semicolons can also be used to join sentences and should be employed when the sentences are related.

It is used to join two complete sentences into a single sentence and it must be followed by a suitable connecting word. You can use and.

Comma Splices And Fused Sentences

Rules for Joining Sentences with And The two sentences must have the same subject or the same predicate.

Joining two sentences with a comma. A semicolon is useful when combining two independent clauses that are related to one another. If you use just a comma you create a comma splice and your friends will all laugh at you. Here are some clues to help you decide whether the sentence element is essential.

Examples of Compound Sentences with a Comma and Coordinating Conjunction 1. She ran down the stairs opened the door saw her boyfriend and gave him a kiss. Use a pair of commas in the middle of a sentence to set off clauses phrases and words that are not essential to the meaning of the sentence.

Is it always necessary to put a comma in such situations. George cleaned the house as. The joining comma is only slightly different from the listing comma.

You can identify a comma splice by evaluating whether two clauses that can stand alone. Run-on sentences happen when you join two independent clauses using a comma. What is Earth Day why is it.

Here is some grammar advice from Strunk and White to help you break that nasty habit using 1 the semicolon 2 the conjunction with the comma or 3 just two separate sentences which is perfectly fine. In English when you join two complete sentences with the conjunctions and or but nor yet so or for place a comma before the conjunction. The conjunction that joins the two halves of a compound sentence is preceded by a comma.

Student Access Join Live Classes. Our Rule 3b of Commas says In sentences where two independent clauses are joined by connectors such as and or but etc put a comma at the end of the first clause The independent clauses in your sentence are joined by the conjunction that. Here are some other sentence types.

Finally beware of overusing so. If a Sentence Begins With a Dependent Clause Use a Comma After It If a sentence begins with an introductory phrase or dependent clause it should have a comma immediately after it. Join all the items excluding the last on then use formatting to insert the joined string with the last item conjuncted by and.

Goodness cannot be a habit but has to come from your presence not y. If you use a semicolon you do not have to capitalize the first letter of the next sentence. The second sentence which contains a comma can be rephrased as George cleaned the house because his wife had asked him to Note that for certain sentences there is only one correct decision regarding the use of a comma based on the context.

Examine these examples of complete sentences joined with a. Use one comma before to indicate the beginning of the pause and one at the end to indicate the end of the pause. The connecting words which can be used in this way.

You can use and to join two whole sentences together. Therefore a comma is used. Comma splice or joining two complete sentences with a comma.

Use a comma to separate parts of a sentence in a sequence. Independent clauses are sentences that contain a subject and verb and can stand alone. Goodness cannot be a habit but has to come from your presence not y.

If you use a comma and conjunction the acronym FANBOYS will help you remember the conjunctions For And Nor But Or Yet So. We ran out of fuel and the nearest petrol station was 5 miles away. Dependent clauses also contain a subject and verb but dont form a complete thought.

Use a comma between two main clauses which are separated by and or but. You can avoid adding commas to each string in the list by deferring the formatting to print time. The man was sitting in the restaurant but he was not ordering.

You can use a comma with a conjunction or you can use a semicolon. More about Commas and Sentence Structure A sentence made up of two halves either of which could be a standalone sentence is known as a compound sentence. To combine two complete sentences independent clauses you have two options.

Try out some of the above sentences with a semicolon. The difference between on time and in time Vocabulary. You should choose the technique that best fits the context of the sentence.

A comma splice occurs when two independent clauses are joined together using only a comma. I like sushi and donuts. Comma and Coordinating Conjunction Use a comma and a coordinating conjunction to join two independent clauses when you want to show contrast or relation between two ideas.

Do you remember what subject and predicate mean. Lets look at another example. If you use a comma without a conjunction youll end up with a comma splice.

Print and format joinlisted-1 listed-1. Its cold outside and I cant find my coat. Remember when youre joining two independent clauses you need both a comma and a conjunction.

Many times the first draft of a report or essay is a little choppy and out of sequence. This works well for connecting short snappy pieces at the end of a longer piece.

4 Easy Paragraph Strategies For Successful Writing Grace Moryan

For example take a paragraph that looks like this.

How to make sentences flow in a paragraph. Five Techniques for Stitching Together the Small Pieces 1. This technique is exactly what it sounds like. Transitions are like bridges between roads.

Stylistically paragraph flow is usually accomplished by concrete topic sentences and smooth logical connections among ideas. If you feel like a paragraph in your blog post or report just doesnt flow well try structuring your sentences so that each sentence picks up on the same topic that the previous sentence ended on. Within paragraphs writers connect ideas and foster coherence by exploiting the four methods described below.

In browsing my shelves for examples I realized that some very popular writers dont seem to share Davids concern regarding jumpy narration. Heres a typical paragraph from Dan Browns The Da Vinci Code. Start with the information that your reader will be familiar with and then add new details.

While rivers flow on their own writers have to work to make their writing smooth and coherent. The good news about writing an essay of any length is that you can use cut and paste to rearrange your paragraphs. Keep in mind that the reader should get the gist of your paper just by reading your topic sentences.

This first sentence should be very clear. Once you have completed the first draft of your paper you will need to rewrite some of the introductory sentences at the beginning and the transition statements at the end of every paragraph. Transitions Transitions create flow by linking ideas and sentences.

1 using words like additionally or however to begin sentences and 2 repeating key terms or phrases between sentences. Logical progression of thought. Wrap-up sentences should remind the reader of the paragraphs goal.

Create Flow With Better Paragraph Order The first step toward creating flow is making sure your paragraphs are put together in a logical order. This prepares the reader for what is coming. Transitions which connect one idea to the next may seem challenging at first but they get easier once you consider the many possible methods for linking paragraphs togethereven if they seem to be.

So lets pay closer attention to the relationship of sentence structure and flow in Lawrences paragraph. Those words highlighted in color help to establish the connections between sentences. As you begin to write wrap-up sentences you may simply echo the content of the topic sentence with a little variation.

That sentence structure is related to flow is an obvious point no doubt but if theres one thing Ive learned as a writer and a teacher its that when something is obvious we tend not to pay it sufficient attention. Two things contribute to the flow of sentences within a paragraph. Repeat the same idea at the end of one section and.

However the last sentence in the paragraph which I call the wrap-up sentence is almost as important. Flow can be created within a paragraph by ensuring each sentence follows a givennew pattern. Choppy sentences poor word choice nonexistent transitions and illogical structure can make.

Writers can create transitions in a couple of ways. An essay that flows is well-organized well-written concise and logical. Those new details thus become information that your reader is familiar with and you can append more new details in your second sentence.

However as you get better at writing them youll be able to use the wrap-up sentence to make clear. Start by explaining what the paragraph will be about the topic sentence.

It was the first time I didnt How Many Sentences Have To Be In A College Essay Paragraph have to ask for a revision. 016 Essay Example How Many Sentences Are In Paragraph For.

Rules And Best Practices For Writing Paragraphs

016 Essay Example College Writing Help High School How.

How many sentences is a paragraph in college. Writing college papers can also take up a lot of your time and with the many distractions and other tasks assigned to you it can be so hard to ensure that the paper you are writing How Many Sentences For A Five Paragraph Essay will still come out as a good quality paper. Grammar Various educators teach rules governing the length of paragraphs. If you know yourself to be a beginning writer you might assign yourself this minimum until you are more fluent.

In fact we even offer you a money back guarantee. How Many Sentences In A Paragraph For A College Essay she will get what is wanted. Theres often a lot of confusion but if youre looking for a general answer to the question How many sentences in a paragraph the answer is there are 3 to 8 sentences in a paragraph.

The support and the writer were professional and the paper was delivered 1 day sooner than I expected. 4-6 body paragraphs that provide evidence to back up your thesis. They may say that a paragraph should be 100 to 200 words long or be no more than five or six sentences.

If youre looking for a hard and fast rule youre out of luck. Include on each page about two handwritten or three typed paragraphs. Theyre often called topic sentences though many writing instructors prefer to call them key sentences There are at least two downsides of the phrase topic sentence.

Five sentences is usually the maximum guideline for a good paragraph and includes an introductory sentence or the main idea of a paragraph one to three supporting sentences and a. If you are dissatisfied we will How Many Sentences In A Paragraph For A College. We all know that online writing calls for techniques different from those of the print media.

In academic writing readers expect each paragraph to have a sentence or two that captures its main point. Write A Paragraph Excellent College Essays Your. Aim for three to five or more sentences per paragraph.

The important key to take away from this answer is that its a rule-of-thumb. We How Many Sentences In A Paragraph For A College Essay have no doubts that the quality of our writing will satisfy you. When you say Write my essay and we agree to help you we promise to deliver what you need.

Instructors who assign a minimum paragraph length want you to accustom yourself to fully developing your subject. On the off chance that you dont like your order you can request a refund How Many Sentences In A Paragraph For A College Essay and we will return the money according to our money-back guarantee. And take note that quality is a must if you want to hit the high marks.

What does 450 words look like. Since paragraphs do less work in short papers have short paragraphs for short papers and longer paragraphs for longer papers. Five sentences or twelve sentences or twenty-a paragraph should be as long as it needs to be.

A newspaper lead or lede if you prefer can do its job in one sentence but with few exceptions a paragraph will contain more than one sentence. But a good paragraph should not be measured in characters words or sentences. There can be a number of reasons why you might not like your order.

Each paragraph is about 75-125 words and it consists of 3-5 well-written sentences. How Many Sentences In A Paragraph For A College Essay The How Many Sentences In A Paragraph For A College Essay writers are reliable honest extremely knowledgeable and the results are always top of the class. Capital Community College The Paragraph Is A Series Of.

- Pam 3rd Year Art Visual Studies. Body How To Write An Essay LibGuides At University Of. Each paragraph should be a cohesive element with an intro and conclusion.

Make your paragraphs proportional to your paper. How Many Sentences In A Paragraph For A College Essay napolean good or bad essay curriculum vitae ufficiale di coperta what is george orwells message to society 1984 essay. Topic Sentence Grade 11 English.

All major debit credit cards. Unlike other services these guys do follow paper instructions. You can be sure that our custom-written papers are original College Essay How Many Sentences For Introduction Paragraph and properly cited.

The OWL site aimed at college students suggests a length of from three to five or more sentences. We College Essay How Many Sentences For Introduction Paragraph have our own plagiarism-detection software which is designed to find similarities between completed papers and online sources.

Here was is in the active voice My house was cleaned yesterday. When we are describing a fact in the world we can use these sentences.

Active And Passive Voice Exercises For Class 11 Cbse With Answers English Grammar Cbse Tuts

A verb is said to be in active voice when the subject performs the verb.

Active voice sentences. Active voice sentences are the sentences where a subject of a sentence acts upon its verb on the other hand Passive voice sentences are those sentences where a subject of a sentence is a recipient of a verbs action. You suggestions are welcomed by us. More important words are used as Subject and those of secondary place are used as an object in a sentence.

For this necessary changes are made in the sentence. Here was cleaned is in the passive voice Read more about grammatical voice. The subject the dog performs the action described by chased.

For examples Assertive Interrogative Imperative and Special sentences. The passive voice is commonly used to obfuscate something making writing obscure or even unintelligible. Sentences are given in the active voice.

Passive voice In a sentence written in the active voice the subject of sentence performs the action. 10 rânduri The most important features of active voice sentences are that they reflect a clearer harder and. To understand the difference just focus on how the subject and object change the structure of the sentences in the table below.

I threw the ball. As such the two forms of voice ie. Subject verb and object.

Active sentences are much stronger and easier to understand for the reader as they identify the subject completing the verb more clearly. There are benefits to using active sentences over passive sentences. Active and Passive voice are used accordingly while communicating.

Start with a subject. That is an active voice sentence follows this formula. You are welcomed by us.

23 rânduri The active voice describes a sentence where the subject performs the action stated by the verb. Change the sentences from Active Voice to Passive Voice Active Voice She does not cook food. Add a verb after the subject.

Its important to recognise the communicative function here as it is not the same for all of these sentences. Passive Voice The food is not cooked by her. Active Voice Sentence actor verb.

The subject monkey performs the action described by adore. The candidate believes that Congress must place a ceiling on the budget. The active voice reminds us of the popular.

Whats the difference between active and passive voice sentence. All of these sentences are correct. Look at this example of the active voice.

All three sentences have a basic active voice construction. The active voice is the opposite of the passive voice. For example a hotel might say this to its guests.

Change them into the passive voice. They were welcomed by us. You are making too much noise.

The subject the cashier performs the action described by counted. How To Form an Active Voice Sentence. In a sentence written in the passive voice the subject receives the action.

Active and passive voice with examples has exercises of all type of sentences. They are all changed into passive voice. Definition of Active Voice and Passive Voice Sentences.

Why Should I Care about Active Sentences. This time my house the subject is having the action of the verb was cleaned done to it. The subjects are doing doing doingthey take action in their sentences.

In an active voice sentence an actor acts on a target. Writing in the active voice means constructing sentences where the subject acts. In general you should default to the active voice.

Usually the structure or sequence of the subject verb and object expressed in the active voice sentence gets reversed in the passive voice of the same sentence. Ben will eat popcorn and watch a movie tomorrow evening. Active Voice Peter gave me flowers on my birthday.