Bibliographic Management

It is not necessary to provide a reference to a photograph or image if you are the creator. To cite an image found through Google using the image-search function you must identify the websitethat is the containerwhere the image was posted.

Mla Format And Mla Citations Your Bibme Guide To Mla Citing

If you viewed the artwork on the museums website instead of in person you should include the website name usually the same as the name of the museum and the URL.

How to cite a picture. Images photographed by you. Last name First name of creator. If you need to reference an original image you can use the following citation structure.

How to Cite a Photograph in Print Chicago Style Photograph Citation Structure. To cite an image you found online use the image title or a general description in your text and then cite it using the first element in the works cited entry and date. Title of the Website Publisher Date of publication URL.

Go to the original location website of the image and cite in one of the formats above. To cite an artwork from a museum or gallery mention the name of the institution and the city it is located in unless the city name is already part of the institutions name. In every case the following information is required.

In a presentation such as a PowerPoint presentation the figure number title and note are optional. How to cite an image from Google Images in MLA 8. However if a citation is required citing an image in Chicago style requires you to include much of the same information you would include in citing a print resource like author seditor s title of image and publication date.

The guidelines for citing visual works are detailed in section 1014 of the APA handbook and include a number of different image and source types. Name of author artist or photographer Date of publication or creation. Title or description of the image.

For example lets say you found this image of The Muleteer by searching Pompeii and then Bodies Viewing the image thumbnail in the search-results list is not sufficient. To use the image as a figure in an APA Style paper provide a figure number and title and then the image. Month Date Year Created.

However check with your tutor about the most appropriate way to present original images or photographs in your work. If desired describe the image in a figure note.