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Coordinating conjunctions connect t. In British English it is quite unusual to use a comma with and.

Commas And Conjunctions Grammar 101 Elite Editing

The rules for using a comma before and or any other conjunction such as and or and but depend on how the conjunction is used.

Comma conjunction rule. Rules for using a coordinating conjunction. Use a Comma to Join Two Independent Clauses When two standalone sentences or independent clauses are joined together using a conjunction eg and but or the conjunction should be preceded by a comma. A conjunction is a word that joins two other words or clauses together.

These conjunctions include but for and or yet so nor. The proper place for the comma is before the conjunction. In this lesson youll learn simple rules for using commas with coordinating conjunctions.

Rebecca AydinBusiness Insider A. And but for or nor so yet. I visited France Germany Italy Britain and Spain.

When there are two independent clauses joined together with a conjunction a comma is needed before the conjunction. An independent clauseor main clauseexpresses a complete thought. This rule is pretty straight forward as well.

We use commas to separate items in a series or list. Use a comma after a dependent clause that starts a sentence. The supervisor reported the misbehavior but the personnel committee ignored the evidence and refused to terminate the employee.

Comma Before the and When the conjunction joins two or more independent clauses put a comma before the conjunction. The rules for using a comma before a conjunction like and or and but are not simple because it depends how the conjunction is being used and what writing convention youre following. Comma Before And That Joins Two Independent Clauses The word and is a conjunction and when a conjunction joins two independent clauses you should use a comma with it.

The second rule is about commas and conjunctions. Normally you should put a comma between two complete sentences that are joined with a coordinating conjunction and or but for nor so yet that creates a single sentence with two independent clauses. When a noun is modified by more than one adjective each of which independently modifies the noun the adjectives should be separated by a comma.

A clauseisa group of words the contain a subjectand a verb. Coordinating conjunctions connect t. However a comma may be used between the conjunctions to accommodate another grammar rule see Exceptions.

While there are no simple rules regarding the placement of comma with conjunctions the following guidelines should help. When pairs or sets of conjunctions are being used they do not need to be separated from each other by a comma. The last two items in a list are usually connected by and.

Use a comma before any coordinating conjunction and but for or nor so yet that links two independent clauses. Put a comma before the coordinating conjunction when it isused toconnect two independent clauses. That means that if the only comma your sentence is going to have is the one you put in after the initial conjunction you should remove it.

Sue didnt know whether she had enough money in her account to pay for the groceries so she went to an ATM to check her balance. Either the blue shirt or the red sweater will look good with your jeans. It can stand alone as a sentence.

Comma before the final item in a list. Eitheror is a correlative pair of conjunctions. 17 rules for using commas correctly without looking like a fool 1.

Independent clauses in a sentence should be set off with a comma before any coordinating conjunction. And if you are using a conjunction at the beginning of a sentence like we just did you should only put a comma after it if it is going to be the first in a series of commas. The hardest part about this rule is the terms.

Use commas to separate independent clauses when they are joined by any of these seven coordinating conjunctions.