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On the Home tab in the Editing group click Find Select and then click Find. Select the range in which we want to find the character Go to Home tab Conditional formatting New Rule Click on Format only cells that contain Format only cells with Specific Text.

How To Find Text In A Range And Return Cell Reference Basic Excel Tutorial

The search function can be applied to a range using arrayformula wrapper.

Find text in a range. This formula will return the count of the word best in the selected cell value. The RangeFind method returns a range object for the first cell that matches the lookup value. Sub FindValue Dim c As Range Dim firstAddress As String With Worksheets1RangeA1A500 Set c Find2 lookinxlValues If Not c Is Nothing Then firstAddress cAddress Do cValue 5 Set c FindNextc Loop While Not c Is Nothing End If End With End Sub.

COUNTIFrng D5 0. In the Find what box enter the textor numbersthat you. Sub Macro1 MsgBox RangeB3B8FindRangeD3Address End Sub The macro above uses the RangeFind method to search cell range B3B8 for the lookup value in cell D3.

In the range the argument selects the cell reference. The MATCH function searches for a specified item in a range of cells and then returns the relative position of that item in the range. Finding a partial text in a range of cells and if found return an X 0 Look up for a given text value in a 2-dimensional range matrix and return the reference of the cell row and column.

To search the entire worksheet click any cell. Follow these steps to locate cells containing specific text. Try using the new XMATCH function an improved version of MATCH that works in any direction and returns exact matches by default making it easier and more convenient to use than its predecessor.

A more readable output is produced with arrayformulaifiserrorsearchstr C2F9. 21 rows If MatchWildcards is True you can specify wildcard characters and other advanced search. In the criteria column we need to use a wildcard in excel because we are just finding the part of the string value so enclose the word best with an asterisk wildcard.

Arrayformulasearchstr C2F9 This returns a bunch of value. Macro used in workbook above. Errors where no match is found or the position of substring when its found.

Select the range of cells that you want to search. In the example shown the formula in E5 is. To determine if a range or column contains specific text a specific substring or partial text you can use a formula based on the COUNTIF function and wildcards.